Foundations of Appetite Training: 12 Ways children learn to like or dislike healthy eating
“L’appetit est la conscience du corps” (The appetite is the conscience of the body).
— Alexandre Dumas, author of The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo
Marissa and Jeremy were each born with an appetite — thank goodness! How else would we get babies to eat and thereby stay alive? Each baby cried for milk every few hours and latched on eagerly anytime they got something in their mouths, especially if it turned out to involve milk. They each certainly had a taste for what’s good for them. Each baby thrived.
As Marissa got older, she kept wanting the foods that were good for her. She would eat vegetables, fruit, fish, anything that came her way.
Jeremy, however, though he also kept getting hungry, developed the taste for french fries…
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