The Happy Dinner Table: Available on Amazon

Jun 13, 2016 by

Find  The Happy Dinner Table on Amazon, with all the solutions for picky eating!  Simple, practical strategies you can use immediately to eliminate picky eating and improve the dynamics in your home. Discover what’s blocking normal eating for your child and how to solve it, once and for all.

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Free Workshop for Parents of Picky Eaters: How to Shepherd Your Child's Appetite

Jun 7, 2012 by

June 14, 2012
7– 9 p.m.
at La Altura Pediatrics, Dominion Hills Plaza 21195 IH-10 West, Suite 2101  San Antonio, Texas 78257

Are meals a battle?
Having trouble getting kids to eat at the table?
Have you become a short order cook?
Do you make two different meals for one family?

Through this interactive workshop, you will:

  • Identify which tools you are using to try to make kids eat that actually make things worse, and get equipped with the right tools — the ones that work!
  • Find out how to cultivate the right atmosphere and habits in your home so children both eat happily AND behave.
  • Discover how to do less to accomplish more.
  • Learn how to leverage children’s natural appetites to motivate them to want to eat what YOU want them to eat.
  • See how to have more fun in the…
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Sacred Appetite in the News: SA Busy Kids

Apr 26, 2012 by

Check out Debi Pfitzenmaier’s blog post on Sacred Appetite’s free San Antonio workshop for parents on May 5!

The workshop, “How to Shepherd Your Child’s Appetite,” will be held at La Altura Pediatrics from 9-11 a.m. Space is limited. To register, email

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Free Workshop for San Antonio Parents: How to Shepherd Your Child's Appetite, in San Antonio May 5

Mar 31, 2012 by

May 5, 2012,
9 – 11 a.m.
at La Altura Pediatrics: Dominion Hills Plaza 21195 IH-10 West, Suite 2101 San Antonio, Texas 78257

Are meals a battle?
Having trouble getting kids to eat at the table?
Have you become a short order cook?
Do you make two different meals for one family?

Through this interactive workshop, you will:

  • Identify which tools you are using to try to make kids eat that actually make things worse, and get equipped with the right tools — the ones that work!
  • Find out how to cultivate the right atmosphere and habits in your home so children both eat happily AND behave.
  • Discover how to practice “masterly inactivity”: do less to accomplish more.
  • Learn how to leverage children’s natural appetites to motivate them to want to eat what YOU want them to eat.

How to prevent picky eating from ever starting, Part II

Jan 9, 2012 by

“We wonder how we get started doing these things, but we do them.”

My friend told me that as part of my babysitting instructions. Lunch for her 2 1/2-year-old, Kaylee, and her 18-month-old, Wee Man, was to include some cut up, raw red peppers.

“He’ll spit them out. So I started peeling them for him,” she explained, with some embarrassment. These kids hadn’t been picky; they had been the kids who ate everything a few months earlier.

Preparing for resistance: holding firm

“I do not get started doing these things,” I said to myself. I wasn’t about to start peeling raw red peppers to try to get Wee Man to eat them, because that right…

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Child obesity task force: stacking the deck against parents and health

Feb 11, 2010 by

As of Tuesday, a White House task force made up of cabinet secretaries and other officials has 90 days to come up with a strategy to reduce childhood obesity. It’s a worthy use of their time. One-third of American 8- to 10-year-olds are now obese.

I’m sure the first thing this bureaucratic task force will no doubt tackle is the government’s own role in causing the problem. Our food system, which includes government subsidies for growing the ingredients of processed foods, notably the ubiquitous high fructose corn syrup, has conspired to make junk foods the cheapest eats option. We pay the huge food companies to grow and produce junk food, and they in turn spend millions on advertising to kids and the rest of us.

I bet the first thing the task force will do is to insist we quit subsidizing processed…

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New Sacred Appetite discussion/support group starting next week

Feb 10, 2010 by

ARE YOU hoping to get better results this year as you try to get your children to eat more healthfully, without turning the dinner table into a battle ground? Anna Migeon, author of the blog “Sacred Appetite” and mom of two teens who have always eaten anything put on the table, from cow tongue and liver to tofu and turnips, with never an argument (well, once there was an argument), is starting a free discussion /support in her home in San Antonio, where one in three kids is obese. Starting Feb. 19, she’ll share her successful techniques for raising kids who eat absolutely everything. Topics to be included:

· Key common mistakes to avoid if you want your child to eat healthfully now and for life.

· Masterly Inactivity,” or how…

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How we cured our son’s ADHD

Jan 20, 2010 by

Much of what I have to say about feeding children comes from my experience with my son, which I haven’t said much about here at “Sacred Appetite.”

Almost from birth, my son had symptoms: of what, we didn’t know. I later came to blame it all on him being put on antibiotics at birth and the hospital failing to give him the breast milk I was pumping faithfully while he couldn’t nurse because of the IV stuck in his head. I also wonder what role the immunizations he got as a tiny infant (who stayed home with his mom, risking no illnesses) might have played.

Starting early and continuing, he had asthma, insomnia, enuresis (a fancy word for bed-wetting), digestion-related ills, crusty eyes,…

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Our menus this past week

Nov 23, 2009 by


Artichokes with vinaigrette (

Tuna on tuna (“tuna-on-tuna”-or-fresh-tuna-with-tuna-pickle-sauce/)

Tomato, cucumber, black olive and feta salad with vinaigrette


Creamed onions with sage and thyme (Food & Wine)

Boiled potatoes

Roasted red peppers with vinaigrette

Leftover menudo from a church sale


Appetizers: Roasted red peppers with vinaigrette,  fresh basil pesto from the garden on crackers, goat cheese on toast

Dinner: Turkey meatball Albondigas soup (Bon Appétit )

Salad from the garden with shallot vinaigrette


Omelet with leftover Kale and Olives (Food & Wine)

Boxed tomato soup (an organic 32-oz. find at the 99 Only Store)


Creamy Fettuccine with Prosciutto, Asparagus, Mushrooms and Peas (Bon Appétit) (made at the request of my daughter and against my better judgment because of the carbs and salty processed meat. It was scrumptious, though)

Light cream of celery soup (Moosewood Cookbook)


Leftovers from Thursday


Spinach crepes bernoise (delicious! An old favorite of ours, filled with chicken livers, mushrooms, cream cheese, dill, green onions) (The…

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Do it yourself: save money, eat better by making your own yogurt

Nov 17, 2009 by

Do you dream of getting your hands on some raw, local, organically produced milk from grass-fed, pastured cows at a reasonable price? Do you love the idea of making your own simple, old-fashioned cultured milk products?

Where there’s a will, there’s probably a way.

I am getting three gallons of good raw milk every other week from a farm in the area. I make four quarts of delicious and nutritious yogurt for about $7 every other week.  It’s extremely simple and satisfying.  It’s an easy way to be more self-reliant and less dependent on industrial food corporations. It’s also a great way to give your kids a closer relationship to food and its magic.

The sources for good raw milk tend to be more underground than otherwise, but such sources…

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